Hi all,

today we have released the Z-Push 2.2.7 final version (tag 2.2.7, commit 62aac9892f79efea93da2644fcc8740e48f2ea42). We thank all contributors for their work on this release.

Important notes
This version fixed and improved some issues with the handling of signed emails on Zarafa backend. We would really appreciate your feedback on this matter.
Also some issues with the WBXML processing were fixed.
The issue that downloading attachments from public folders were failing on some android devices was fixed.
It is now possible to delete the hierarchy cache using z-push-admin.
We made some enhancements to listfolders.php, it will now display the Inbox and Sent Items ids.

The full change log is available here.

The version is available at: http://download.z-push.org/final/2.2/.

Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Kind regards,
Z-Push dev team