
we have just released Z-Push 2.4.3 final (tag 2.4.3 commit db9535be7940d0d0c83e1e08de77bd40997398f3).

This is a maintenance release with some bugfixes and improvements.

This is the first Z-Push release which supports PHP 7.2 (default PHP version in Ubuntu 18.04). If you are running Ubuntu 18.04 or plan to upgrading to this version, you should upgrade to Z-Push 2.4.3.

Several smaller issues which were found by coverity (https://scan.coverity.com/projects/z-push). Z-Push has now 0.00 defect density!

We added a new action “listshares” to z-push-admin. It will display all open shares on the system per store. Run
z-push-admin -a listshares
to display open shares for all stores. Run
z-push-admin -a listshares -o USER
to display who opened the shares of this user. Run
z-push-admin -a listshares -f FOLDERID
to display who opened this specific folder.

Z-Push has a new contributor, Raoul, who fixed a bug in the IMAP backend. Thanks!

Bart has already made various contributions and in this version he added another improvement to the IMAP backend.

Also thanks to Matt and Markus for reporting an issue with logrotation on RHEL-based systems and a suggestion how to fix it.

Install Z-Push 2.4.3 from the final repositories (recommended) Z-Push Wiki.

The complete changelog is available here.

Code changes since Z-Push 2.4.2: https://stash.z-hub.io/projects/ZP/repos/z-push/compare/diff?targetBranch=refs%2Ftags%2F2.4.2&sourceBranch=refs%2Ftags%2F2.4.3

Please share your experiences (positive and negative) and give feedback!
